Stable chamotte accumulation fireplaces are used to increase the air temperature in a room. They are heating appliances that can be installed in houses, flats with an active chimney system, as well as in commercial or company buildings.
Aesthetically pleasing chamotte accumulation fireplaces have been attracting the interest of customers visiting our online shop for many years. These constructions can be made by yourself, as we have all the necessary building materials needed to create this type of construction. The diverse product range of our online shop is worth noting. Thanks to it, chamotte accumulation fireplaces can be made to suit the individual needs and preferences of each customer. All the materials we offer for the construction of accumulation chamotte fireplaces have been approved by specialists in the field of heating technology. This means that they are approved and certified materials.
Chamotte fireplaces with excellent physical and chemical properties
The assortment of our online shop includes modern building materials with which you can create a fireplace that is designed for space heating. A product that is perfectly suited for the construction of the aforementioned heating structure is, among others, the Heat Accumulation Fireboards. It has excellent storage properties and conducts heat well. Once heated, it is able to release a considerable amount of heat to the environment over a relatively long period of time. As a result, the chamotte slab is recommended by heating specialists who believe that this element reduces the excessive consumption of fuel materials needed to heat rooms with a large volume and floor space.
Worth reading:
How do you make refractory concrete? Some of our tips.
Impressive chamotte accumulation fireplaces can be heating appliances as well as decoration for the room in which they will ultimately be located. They are heating structures. It is advisable to use chamotte panels for their construction.